Cambodia students present in Global Enterprise Challenge in Kyoto, Japan

From 14-19 June 2012, Cambodia students participated in Global Enterprise Challenge in Kyoto, Japan.

Global Enterprise Challenge is a 24-hour enterprise challenge for young people aged 16-19. It gives young people the opportunity to develop their knowledge and experience of enterprise, through providing an environment where they can apply skills and develop their understanding in practical ways.

This year 17 countries including European, Asian and The Americas participated in this competition. It is the first time that Cambodia could participate in this global competition.

8 outstanding high school students from five different provinces were selected to join this competition including:
  1. Ms. Tim Channsereiroth (outstanding student in Khmer literature from Phnom Penh)
  2. Ms. Ly Sereyrath (outstanding student in Khmer literature from Battambang)
  3. Ms. Sou Yaly (outstanding student in Khmer literature from Kompong Cham)
  4. Ms. Doeurn Seyha (outstanding student in Physic from Battambang)
  5. Mr. Neang Chhornakchun (outstanding student in Khmer literature from Phnom Penh)
  6. Mr. Than Poseng (outstanding student in Physic from Kandal)
  7. Mr. Chhoeung Leangheng (outstanding student in Khmer literature from Phnom Penh)
  8. Mr. Tep Mesa (outstanding student in Physic from Kompot)

Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC) is the biggest sponsor for this program for Cambodian students including flight ticket, visa application, insurance and so on.
This is one of the biggest contributions that CJCC has made to give Cambodian students an opportunity to challenge with the world and to make Cambodia more well-known in the world arena.

Read our Cambodian team more on GEC.

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