Welcome to my new member, a member of the world!

ចំណាន វីល្លៀម - Chamnan William
Welcome to new world of FATHER!
I know everyone is happy while they have a new member comes into their family; yes, for me I feel that too. My own view, to be a MOTHER is not EASY! Why I say that? First, I knew already the word "Mother is a mom of the world, ស្រ្តីជាមាតាពិភពលោក". A lady or momy is so difficult since she's pregnant in first month to nine moths and ten days. Any way, as a good mam, a good husband, and a good father, I would like to say thanks my beloved wife, Vilay, for her facing many issues she has faced so far.

So, I'm writing here just wanna keep in my mind and welcome to a new member in my family, his name: Chamnan William ("ចំណាន​ វីល្លៀម" in Khmer); he's also a new member of the world.

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