All popular social medias (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn ...), they are keeping updated often; so this month, September, Twitter, a popular one in sharing linked text, also makes an update on its
new profile that allows users to put an image as header like other social medias (Facebook & Google+) - its new profile goes to a new tab called "
Me". While I'd checked my
twitter profile on 19th September 2012, I saw a new notification about new feature of it,
New Profile (with header image) but it officially sent this news on 29th to users' email. After getting that news, I tried a design image for header by following
its recommendation on file's dimension, 1200x600, and maximum size, 5MB but unfortunately I made it in less than 500K, so while uploading, it doesn't show. Ok, let have a look how it's different between the old & the new profile both in web browser and mobile.
Twitter - old profile | web browser view |
Twitter - new profile | web browser view |
Twitter - new profile | mobile view |
Twitter - old profile | mobile view |
How do you think for this new feature of Twitter? And Do you like it?