Twitter shows its new profile

All popular social medias (Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn ...), they are keeping updated often; so this month, September, Twitter, a popular one in sharing linked text, also makes an update on its new profile that allows users to put an image as header like other social medias (Facebook & Google+) - its new profile goes to a new tab called "Me". While I'd checked my twitter profile on 19th September 2012, I saw a new notification about new feature of it, New Profile (with header image) but it officially sent this news on 29th to users' email. After getting that news, I tried a design image for header by following its recommendation on file's dimension, 1200x600, and maximum size, 5MB but unfortunately I made it in less than 500K, so while uploading, it doesn't show. Ok, let have a look how it's different between the old & the new profile both in web browser and mobile.
Twitter - old profile  | web browser view

Twitter - new profile  | web browser view

Twitter - new profile  | mobile view
Twitter - old profile  | mobile view
How do you think for this new feature of Twitter? And Do you like it?
If you also like it as me, so please go to your twitter account then go to to upload your favorite header image.

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