Happy Khmer New Year 2014!

Khmer New Year Card 2014
Khmer New Year Card 2014
The time moves forwards very quickly, so how can we catch it and ask to wait for us on what the stuff undone to be finished, yeah actually we can't. The Angel of year of the Snake 2013 will transfer her duties to the Angel of the Horse 2014 celebrating on April 14, 2014. To take this opportunity, I would like to say Happy Khmer New Year 2014!! I wish all the best for the upcoming new year 2014 to all my friends, colleague, families, and my beloved readers! Please the Year of the Horse's Angel wishes all Cambodian and the global people be blessed with a peaceful and prosperous living for the whole year through.

What is this year message for me?
Nothing much beside what I always love to do so far. Loving to learn and to share:
- IT + Non-IT knowledge: it is a MUST to learn both Information technology and non-IT knowledge in this Information Age while the globe leading by most technology industries, and social media tools are the key stuff.
- Nothing Get without Invest: No anything is free for you, so you have to invest time or money to learn, share and earn especially to contribute back you to the society.
- Love the GREEN: Think about our environment while the world faces global warming, so your contribution to save the things on what affect to it.

Let's Enjoy Cambodian Holidays Together!

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